Ultimate Happenings - Issue 143
July 22, 2000


****************** 1656 players served *********************

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 143 - July 22, 2000

OCUA Web site: http://www.ocua.ca

"A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory"


Jean Chretien, Stockwell Day and Joe Clark aren't
the only ones thinking about an election...

It's voting time for our OCUA Board of Directors.

In accordance with OCUA rules, four Director's
positions are coming up for renewal this year.

ANY active member of OCUA (ie. player) may
run for a position on the Board.

The Board consists of 9 members; 8 elected officers
and one representative of Ultimate Parks Inc.

The Current Board members are :

Mike Harley (President)
Kathy Butler
Craig Fielding
Mike Hall-Jones  (U.P. Inc)
Ken Lange
Deb Murphy
Nick Roberts
Steve Seabrook
Doug Tahirali

Every year, 4 elected positions come up for renewal.

Each Directorship is for a TWO YEAR term.
Terms are staggered so as to have 4 new members ever year.

As with previous years, the elections will be held during
the league playoff week-ends (Aug 19-20 and 26-27).

Please notify the Elections Officer (Stephan Suys,
s_suys@hotmail.com) of your intent to register as a

The nomination deadline is MONDAY JULY 31st (less than 2 weeks
away) and each candidate will have to submit a brief OCUA-related
biography by Friday August 11th. (guidelines will be forwarded
to all candidates)

For those considering this challenge,
here is an idea of the work and commitment required
(...as graciously offered last year by a current board member)

- Able to attend a board meeting every two weeks. This meeting
  lasts about 2 hours. It usually starts at 6:30 pm off season
  (fall/winter) and 9:00 pm in season. While the night is not
  set in stone Mondays seems to be the current favorite.

- Able to commit at LEAST an hour a day for OCUA business.
  This is a minimal average. Some days you will not spend any
  time at all but on others "whew" there will be lots to do.
  This does not include the bi-weekly meeting.

- Able to check and use email at least once per day. This isn't
  a requirement but it is VERY useful. We do the majority of
  our work via email and if do not have access it will be very
  hard to keep you in the loop.

- A flexible job. Being available to take time out during the
  day to handle a phone call, answer a critical email or leave
  the office to do a necessary chore is very useful.

- Ability to take on a portfolio (one distinct area of OCUA
  business - an example could be the field manager position or
  public relations) and be OCUA's first contact and main person
  responsible for anything related to that portfolio.

- The positions up for elections are for a two year term so
  please be prepared to stick around that long barring any
  unforeseen life changes that tend to come along.

For more information, or to submit your candidacy, please
e-mail Stephan Suys at s_suys@hotmail.com.

Good Luck to all

ps. Please pass this info on to team-mates that may be
interested but do not have email.

Ultimate Happenings is an e-mail newsletter for the
Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association.

If you want to subscribe send an e-mail to mharley@sympatico.ca
with the subject "Subscribe Ultimate Happenings".


If you are interested in advertising in Ultimate Happenings
please refer to the following website for pricing and guidelines.

Last updated

Maintained by the OCUA Web Team