Ultimate Happenings - Issue 152
November 23, 2000

****************** 1694 players served *********************

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 152 - Nov 23, 2000

OCUA Web site: http://www.ocua.ca

"Don't steal, the government hates competition"



- Your Ultimate League Needs You!
- Quebec City Ultimate Tournament
- Classics for a Cure
- Room For Rent
- Introduction from the New Editor
- Calendar Of Events



As you know, one of the biggest problems faced by Ultimate 
this year was securing an adequate supply of reliable fields 
within the region. Up to now, fields have been found mostly 
ad hoc, by someone who knew someone else, etc. A group of 
dedicated Ultimate affectionados has come together to try 
and ensure that for next year, we have more than enough 
fields, which is all the more important considering the 
staggering growth of the sport in Ottawa. But we need your 

On Saturday, November 25, we're having a "Blitz the City" 
day in Ottawa. The goal of the day is to assign groups of 
2-3 people with cars a small area of the city, and scout 
that area out for potential fields. If any are identified, 
the group would be asked to check out the field to ensure 
that it's big enough, flat enough, etc. This information 
would then be transmitted back to the central committee who 
would then follow-up with contact info and actually make 

Kinda boring so far, right? There's more! Once your duty is 
done, we're playing! Following our scouting mission, pick-up 
Ultimate games will be organized for those wishing to play, 
followed by food and drink (sweet drink) afterwards. All in 
all, a fun day.

But wait, there's even more! We are currently exploring a 
plan that would allow teams who have found fields and made 
contact with the appropriate party to get a discounted rate 
on their 2001 team fees. More information will be provided, 
but all in all, we'll make this worth your while!

The tentative schedule for Saturday, November 25 looks like 
this (places are yet to be confirmed):

11:30 AM - Meet at Buffalo Charlie's (Bank and Riverside) 
for assignments and briefing. 1:00 PM - All teams meet at 
Lynda Lane for information delivery and game organization.
After Games - Meet up at a yet-to-be-determined location for
needed sustenance and life giving booze.

If you/your team/anyone else is interested in giving 
something back to your Ultimate league, could you please 
RSVP Jeff Morrison at jeff@cca-acc.com, or call at 565-5353, 
along with the expected number of people.Course, if you have 
any questions, don't be shy...

Thanks in advance, and hope to see you out on the 25th!



I just want to advise you that Quebec city will hold its 
first Ultimate frisbee tournament next summer. The dates are
August 4-5th.

The tournament is open men (20 teams) and women (10 teams) 
and we already have one big team confirmation: Mephisto 
(Montreal). The FROG tournament will be held on Valcartier 
military base approximately 15 minuts from downtown. The 
host team, Q, will prepare eveything to make everyone's stay 
enjoyable and unique with a French accent!

Ghislain Lévesque



Program includes works by Debussy, Bizet and Puccini. Desert 
Reception to follow concert. Proceeds to Breast Cancer 
Research, The Saunders - Matthey Foundation 

Sunday Nov. 26, 2000
7:00 pm (doors open @ 6:30 pm)
First Unitarian Church - 30 Cleary Avenue

Tickets are $25.00 (free for children under 12) and may be 
bought at:
The Leading Note, 370 Elgin St.,
Compact Music, 785A Bank St.
or by phoning 592-6164

Hosted by CBC's Rob Clipperton

Caroline Leonardelli - Harp
Beverley Robinson - Flute
Erica Smith - Piano
Garth Hampson - Baritone
Fraser Rubens - Tenor
Luba Pope - Piano




1 large room for rent in 4 bedroom house on Third Ave. in 
the Glebe near the Canal.

Close to everything. Bank St., Elgin St., canal, queensway
3 working fellows occupy the remaining rooms.

The house is a 2 storey, 4 bedroom home with a full 
unfinished basement for storage.

5 appliances.
parking (driveway and garage).
high speed internet connection (ADSL)
big screen TV with surround sound.
b&w darkroom

$466.00 per month inclusive

Available Dec 1, 2000.

Call Dave @ 567-3515
David Shmelzer 

EDITOR'S NOTE: My apologies... I got the message for this
room for rent about 3 weeks ago, but I haven't been able to
post until now.



If you're getting this message, then I've done something
right! :)

Hi! My name is Tony Argentina, and I'm the new editor for
Ultimate Happenings. I would just like to thank Mike, on 
behalf of all us OCUA members. He's done an amazing job at

Just a bit about myself for those that don't know me:

I've been playing for about 4 years now, mostly recreational
in Wed. 4/3 on the Shiny Happy People (formerly the Thunder
Discs) during the summer and fall. Other teams that I've 
played on include Toss My Salad, the Mad Platters, and most 
recently, Carleton Phreek-Sho at the University Nationals.
I've been a captain or co-captain for 3 years. I decided to
take over UH from Mike because I felt that this is something
that I can do well, and it will help the league.  Hopefully,
I'll be able to do almost as good a job as Mike has done for
many years past.

Oh, could whoever it is on the web team that keeps up the
Ultimate Happenings section of the web site please contact
me (uh@ocua.ca)...?

And, as always, your comments, suggestions, and articles are 
welcome! Don't hesitate to contact me at uh@ocua.ca anytime!

Have fun out there,

Tony Argentina

PS: Sorry if you get this twice... I'm just learning this
new email software! :)



2001/06/16    : 10th annual Beach Tourny (??, ??)
2001/06/30    : Pre-Canada Day Camp Out Party (Ottawa, ON)
2001/07/2-3   : Fergus  (??, ??)
2001/08/16-19 : Nationals (Edmonton, AB)
2001/??/??    : Layout For Life (Ottawa, ON)
2001/??/??    : Ottawa 'Plaid Jacket' Open Disc Golf Tourney
2001/??/??    : Women's Hat Tourney (Ottawa)
2001/??/??-?? : Fr'equinox (Co-ed, Ottawa ON)
2001/??/??-?? : Montreal Jazz Tournament (Montreal, QC)
2001/??/??-?? : No Borders (Ottawa, ON)
2001/??/??-?? : OCUA playoffs (divisions to be announced)
2001/??/??-?? : Parlee Beach (Shediac, NB)
2001/??/??-?? : Unknown Legends (Hamilton, ON)


Ultimate Happenings is an e-mail newsletter for the
Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association.

If you want to subscribe send an e-mail to uh@ocua.ca
with the subject "Subscribe Ultimate Happenings".


If you are interested in advertising in Ultimate Happenings
please refer to the following website for pricing and guidelines.


Last updated

Maintained by the OCUA Web Team