Ultimate Happenings - Issue 172
June 5, 2001

****************** 1274 players served *********************

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 172 - June 5, 2001

OCUA Web site: http://www.ocua.ca

"Lottery: a tax on people who are bad at math"


- Urgent Notice Regarding Garbage
- Calendar Of Events



We have been facing some serious garbage issues of late, and 
I suspect that the majority of the problems have been caused 
by people simply not knowing what is expected of them. 

In general, OCUA's position on garbage is simply a no trace 
policy.  On all sites, regardless of their location and 
ownership, anything that you bring in you bring out.  This is 
especially important at sites such as St. Pauls, where we are 
essentially playing at their grace, or at Sod or UP Inc, 
where we do not have maintenance personnel to keep the 
grounds clean. 

Further to that point, and most importantly, the portable 
toilets at Sod and UP. Inc. are NOT garbage receptacles. DO 
NOT throw plastic bottles, diapers, doggie bags, or any other 
garbage into the toilets. These items have to be REMOVED 
MANUALLY, a process which is not only extremely distasteful, 
but one which causes the toilet rental company to charge us 
additional fees whenever they have to do so. If the problems 
continue, they will pack up their toilets and leave 

Some people have asked why we do not provide garbage 
facilities at Sod and UP Inc. The answer is simply 
practicality.  Garbage has a tendency to build up very, very 
quickly.  As a result, we would need to arrange for someone 
to regularly empty and clean the receptacles. In addition, 
the presence of wildlife such as raccoons would necessitate 
some sort of closable, non-spillable containers, or else 
there would be garbage everywhere.  Add to that the distinct 
threat of vandalism on sites that are unmonitored, and 
suddenly garbage cans don't cut it... park-style dumpsters 
are looking like the way to go.

All in all, this seems somewhat over the top, when we are all 
responsible adults who should be able to pick up after 
ourselves. All it takes is a little respect, and a modicum of 
effort. So pick up your garbage (Be especially careful to get 
those bottle caps, as they are very dangerous to people 
laying out), and pick up after the person who forgot to do so 
themselves.  We should all be helping each other out here.  
No one wants to play in a garbage dump...


Ken Lange



 2001/06/10    : Pole-Hole-Ka Disc Golf Tournament (Ott., ON)
 2001/06/16    : 10th annual Beach Tourney (Ottawa, ON)
 2001/06/16-17 : Solstace Tournament (Toronto, ON)
 2001/06/30    : Pre-Canada Day Camp Out Party (Ottawa, ON)
 2001/06/30-1  : Montreal Jazz Tournament (Montreal, PQ)
 2001/07/14    : Tree-oh Disc Golf Tourney (Hull, PQ)
 2001/07/21-22 : No Borders (Ottawa, ON)
 2001/07/28-29 : Parlee Beach (Shediac, NB)
 2001/08/11-12 : Catch 'n Release (Halifax, NS)
 2001/08/16-19 : Nationals (Edmonton, AB)
 2001/08/18    : OCUA Tuesday Playoffs
 2001/08/19    : OCUA Thursday Playoffs
 2001/08/25    : OCUA Monday Playoffs
 2001/08/26    : OCUA Wednesday Playoffs
 2001/09/29    : Ottawa 'Plaid Jacket' Open Disc Golf Tourney
 2001/10/27-28 : 9th Annual Pumpkin Pull (Victoria, BC)
 2001/??/??    : Women's Hat Tourney (Ottawa)
 2001/??/??-?? : Fr'equinox (Co-ed, Ottawa ON)
 2001/??/??-?? : Unknown Legends (Hamilton, ON)

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Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association.

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