Ultimate Happenings - Issue 179
August 6, 2001

****************** 3872 players served *********************

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 179 - August 6, 2001

OCUA Web site: http://www.ocua.ca/

"No one is listening until you make a mistake"



- Sod Farm Zoning Update
- Canultimate.Com
- Lost - Lawn Chair
- Found - Knee Brace
- Roommate Wanted Non-Smoker
- Jeep For Sale
- Calendar Of Events


First of all, we'd just like to say thank you to everyone who
has contacted their councilor - I have copies of over 750 emails
to councilors in my Inbox! That's fantastic! Also, a special
thanks to those who have gone the extra mile in their efforts
(in lots of different ways), and for the many who have provided
suggestions and asked questions. I have been too busy to respond
to many of you personally, but the board certainly appreciates
your concern, and hopefully this update will cover most of the

There is no doubt that our efforts have gotten council's attention.
Diane Deans, the councilor for the ward in which the sod farm
resides, came out late last week to actually see what was going
on for herself. She visited the sod while games were underway,
and went to meet with a number of the neighbors. Since that
time, she has asked us to attend a meeting with some of the
city planners this tuesday. We are not sure at this time what
direction that meeting will take, but at least we are being
included in the process. We have also received verbal support
from a number of councilors, which is encouraging.

However, we are far from out of the woods. The reality is that
this is now about politics, and things can change very quickly,
so we can't afford to become complacent. In fact, the staff
report on the issue has been released to the planning committee,
and it recommends approval of the zoning, but only until the
end of this year, rather than for the requested 3 year term,
essentially legitimizing our presence here this year, but then
giving us the boot. You can read the staff report at the
following location:


So, where do we proceed from here? Well, we keep applying pressure,
letting the councilors know just how important this really is to
us. But we need to do so carefully, and intelligently. The
following is a list of general information on the subject, and
answers to many of your questions. Please take time to read this
prior to taking any further action!


We need to keep them coming, but there are a few points to note:

1) We have been told that more personalized letters may help.
So if you still haven't sent your letter, please do so ASAP,
and please try to customize it to some degree, or write your
own. We have provided you with the sample letter which should
give you a good idea of the stance we are taking, so it should
be easy.

2) A french version is now available. You can download it as
a Word Document at the following URL:

3) Due to the flood of emails, some addresses may fail when you
try to send the email. Please wait for a few hours (or until
the next day), and try to resend ONLY to the addresses that
failed (I don't need 4 copies of everything, and we don't want
to irritate councilors with useless mail).

4) If possible, send the email out from your work or home account,
rather than a hotmail or other similar accounts - it looks much
better. However, if that's all you have, or you don't feel
comfortable using those accounts, no problem. Something is
better than nothing.

5) If you don't live in the City Of Ottawa proper, simply mail
the mayor rather than a specific councilor.


At the planning and development committee meeting on the 9th,
we have been told that we shouldn't have too many people speak,
as the councilors will feel that we are wasting their time.
As such:

1) OCUA will be selecting a few individuals to represent our
position. If you feel strongly about speaking, please contact

2) Your presence will still be important - numbers will help.
So still come if you can.

3) Please dress accordingly - as you would for work, for instance.
No need to be overly formal, but we don't want ripped jeans,
either. Team uniforms have been suggested, but we think showing
ourselves as a broad group of citizens is more appropriate.


Many of you have asked who is in opposition to the zoning, and
what are their issues. Essentially, some of the neighbors on
Spratt Road are unhappy with our presence there. They have
produced a number of complaints, and OCUA is quite willing to
work at trying to address them, where reasonable. I don't want
to go into details on our thoughts/position on them now, but
here is a rough list, along with things YOU as a member can do
as of right now to help our cause (if we get the zoning, we
will need to continue to address these issues, so you might as
well get used to it ASAP)

1) Dust - dust from lane is bothering nearby neighbors
   WHAT YOU CAN DO: Please keep your speed down.

2) Traffic
   WHAT YOU CAN DO: car pool if possible

3) Speeding
   WHAT YOU CAN DO: maintain the posted limit (80km/h) on Spratt Road

4) Noise
   WHAT YOU CAN DO: don't stay late after your game

5) After Hours Use (camping, fires, etc)

6) Public Urination
   WHAT YOU CAN DO: use the provided go huts :)


Several of you have suggested getting the media involved. Since
this is only the planning committee meeting, we do not feel
that it is appropriate to get the media involved at this time.
If we raise a big fuss and then it passes as we've request
without issue, then we'll look pretty stupid. If the committee
recommends that the request be denied by council, then we may
attempt to utilize the media.




We are currently developing what we intend and anticipate will
become the ultimate Canadian Ultimate information portal (I
hate that word, but...), eventually branching out to encompass
the U.S. and then the rest of the world.

We have approached, with great success, various product and
service vendors, as well as writers either directly related to
the sport of Ultimate or to the lifestyle that Ultimate

As such, we're wondering if anyone would be interested in
either contributing some written pieces on the Game and/or
the lifestyle (or knows someone who would), or might want to
advertise any lifestyle/game related products or services on
our site.

We can be reached by cell @ 416-823-7999 or toll-free
@1-877-204-9043 if you wish to talk live.

In the meantime, please check out our site at :

(Comments, especially bad ones, are welcome)

Please feel free to pass on the URL to anyone you may think
may be interested.

thanks for your time



Lost a small wooden foldable lawn chair at No Borders. Red
back and cushion with red strap to carry on your shoulder.
It was left on the sideline of field #2.

e: rcoupal@magma.ca


Found: a "Donjoy" rigid knee brace, at the Lighthouse
site..... sometime in June or July. It was passed along to me
by a fellow employee who found it there during routine
inspections, but he couldn't remember exactly when he found
it (nor how long it had been on his desk). If you've lost a
royal blue brace, let me know or I'll put in in the Museum's
lost and found. Contact Sue at swarren@nmstc.ca


Beautiful 2 bedroom apartment in the Glebe by canal, with
hardwood floors and spacious rooms. 2 minute walk to 1,7, 6
and Bank St shopping. Rent is $615 plus hydro/cable.
Available as of September 1st. If interested, give me a call
at 565-0283 or send me an e-mail at Quixote_4@excite.com


1991 Jeep Renegade, 4X4, 4.0L, hard/soft top, high output,
120KM, excellent condition, $9,500. For more information,
call Jon 778-7332


 2001/08/11-12 : Catch 'n Release (Halifax, NS)
 2001/08/16-19 : Nationals (Edmonton, AB)
 2001/08/18    : OCUA Tuesday Playoffs
 2001/08/19    : OCUA Thursday Playoffs
 2001/08/25    : OCUA Monday Playoffs
 2001/08/26    : OCUA Wednesday Playoffs
 2001/09/29    : Ottawa 'Plaid Jacket' Open Disc Golf Tourney
 2001/10/27-28 : 9th Annual Pumpkin Pull (Victoria, BC)
 2001/??/??    : Women's Hat Tourney (Ottawa)
 2001/??/??-?? : Fr'equinox (Co-ed, Ottawa ON)
 2001/??/??-?? : Unknown Legends (Hamilton, ON)


Ultimate Happenings is an e-mail newsletter for the
Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association.

If you want to subscribe send an e-mail to uh@ocua.ca
with the subject "Subscribe Ultimate Happenings".


If you are interested in advertising in Ultimate Happenings
please email uh@ocua.ca for pricing and guidelines.


Last updated

Maintained by the OCUA Web Team