Ultimate Happenings - Issue 48
May 20, 1998


Ultimate Happenings: Issue 48 - May 20 1998

OCUA Web site - http://www.cyberus.ca/ocua/

"If you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a look back now
and then to make sure it's still there."

- Work Party This Saturday:
- 2nd Annual Spring Tune-up:
- Looking For Coaches:
- Kudos For A Good Game:
- Women's Skills Clinic:
- Looking For Players:
- Looking For A Team:
- Ultimate Cleats For Sale:
- Ultimate Player Discounts:
- I Thought This Was Funny:
- I Don't Normally Do This, But...


There will be a work party this Saturday, May 23 at the new
fields on Manotick Station Rd. We need to clear away the
debris from around the old farmhouse and put it in a

Pizza and refreshments will be provided for all volunteers.
Work will start around 10:00 am. This is a good opportunity
to help out Ultimate so try and come out for a couple of

Please wear work gloves and good footwear.


May 30, 1998
'C' Level 4/3 Coed Tournament
Cost: $75/team

To register or for more info, contact
Ken Lange: 
 h: 225-0301
 w: 765-2557
 e: kblange@nortel.ca
 web: http://www.cyberus.ca/ocua/tournaments/tuneup/tuneup.html
 (the website will be updated ASAP)

There are still spots available for this year's Tune-Up!

What better way to fine tune your team for the season than
to play a 3 game round robin tourney against teams of your
own calibre.

PLUS, YOU GET A COACH - An experienced player from the Ottawa
ultimate community will be there for each team. They will
observe, give helpful hints, and teach your team anything
you want!! (well, almost anything... ;)

The tournament is open to 24 teams, so register ASAP to
ensure a spot. The tournament is open to all teams playing
in the following divisions:

Monday 4/3 Lower Tier
Tuesday 4/3
Wednesday 4/3

(Editors Note: I talked to Ken's better half - Karen and
mentioned that there are a lot of new teams in my Tuesday
5/2 division. She thinks it would be fine if they wanted
to play but reminded me that the tournament is 4/3 so they
may need to pick up some more women for the day. We both
did agree that the Zonkers and Ultimate Starters who play
in that division are probably too experienced for this
'C' level tourney but any of the other teams should feel
free to play.)

All the regular tournament amenities will be provided. Hope
to see you there!


For the Tune-Up tourney listed above. We want to teach the
rules, disc skills, staking, cutting, and most of all, SOTG.

So, if you're available, have been playing ultimate for more
than 3 years, and have the willingness to teach the Spirit of
Ultimate, please come out and lend a hand. It's only a one
day commitment, and it's a ton of fun. Coaches will be
briefed the week of May 26th, and will get FREE BEER the day
of the tourney... :)

To volunteer, please contact Ken Lange:
 h: 225-0301
 w: 765-2557
 e: kblange@nortel.ca


I subscribe to ultimate happenings and I would like to put
in an entry about a well fought game between Frantic Felines
and SCP. We had a great game between the two teams, Frantic
Felines had great spirit and we just wanted to say THANKS!!!

Carolyn Brown
Sun, Corona & Pina Colada's


Stella, Ottawa's top competitive women's club team, will be
hosting two Women's Ultimate Skills Clinics. We had so much
fun last year we're all really looking forward to it!!

The first clinic on Friday, May 29th at 6 pm, and is intended
for women who have played before.

The second session runs on Sunday, May 31st at 1 pm, and is
meant for those women who have never played the game.

Location: St. Paul's University on Main St.

Bring water, a light and dark shirt (which you won't mind
getting dirty), a disc and cleats if you have them, and
bring along a friend!

If you have any questions call Tanis at 235-9594, otherwise
just show up! :)

Spread the word.... can't wait to see you there!


"Saints & Spinners", Wednesday C level, looking for 1 or 2
female players (and/or spares too).

Contact Darren Burns,
 e: dburns@jetform.com
 w: 751-4800 x 5603
 h: 728-2983


I am Looking for a 'B' level team.

I have played ultimate in Montreal for the past two years
and for two years before that in Ottawa. I am presently
looking for a 'B' level team here in Ottawa, any night is

Carolyn Clark
 e: ddibbley@trytel.com
 h: 729-8145


Older style "Patrick" soccer cleats for sale (men's size 9).
In good condition.

Contact Paul at pmorneau@igs.net


I am an Ultimate player on Tuesday nights with Clone My
Sheep. Fun team!

I am also the manager of a store called Sports Medicine
World. As an avid lover of Ultimate, I would like to offer
my comrades a deal.

Sports Medicine World is offering 15% off any regularly
priced off-the-shelf ankle or knee braces at either of our
Sports Medicine World stores. We are located at 1370 Clyde
Ave (at Baseline) and at the Corel Centre (near Gate 3).

For info call 224-9319.

Thanks, Debbie Vanderburgh


At a recent World Ultimate Frisbee Association meeting.

Head of Wham-O: "There is speculation as to whether we
should continue manufacturing Frisbees for Ultimate -
because some people out there think that Ultimate players
are ass-holes."

Someone in the back of the room: "Hey - I object to that."

"Why - are you an Ultimate player?"

"No - I'm an ass-hole."


 I was reading rec.sport.disc today and saw a post from
John Harris from Toronto.

 John is well known to a lot of players from Ottawa as he
has done a lot for Ultimate in the past. He is the Canadian
Ultimate Players Association executive director. He
convinced Toronto Ultimate to buy some shares in our land
sale. He personally bought some shares himself. Finally he
is the tournament director for the Toronto Ultimate
Tournament (TUT) held every year. This tournament was just
held on May 9th and 10th.

 There were actually two posts from John. The first was a
summary of what happened, who beat who, etc. The second post
was the budget for the tournament. Basically the budget says
that John lost a little under $2500 dollars mainly on
expenses for the party. Now if you read his post (see below)
it is obvious that John is not comfortable passing this news
out. I think he would rather just keep the info to himself
and not worry about the loss.

 I would like to help John out and I have a few good reasons
to do so. First, I went to the tourney and had a great time.
Second, John has done a lot for Ultimate in Canada, Toronto
and Ottawa. Third, I want to go to the tourney next year and
John may have to reconsider hosting it if he loses money
every year. Finally if he has a tourney next year I might
try to stay awake long enough to go to the party. :)

 I plan on sending John another ten or fifteen dollars as
additional team fees for the Tourney. If anyone else wants
to help out please just let me know and I will get the money
to him. I don't want to make this a big deal or anything I
just feel that it would be a nice thing to do for a fellow
Ultimate player.

So if you want to help let me know.

Mike Harley
h: 722-9411
e: mharley@achilles.net

(John's post on rec.sport.disc)
BUDGET - May 16, 1998 (some values estimated)

From the Tourney Director:

I am a little shy about publishing these budget figures.
However, I decided a few years ago that I would always
publish a budget: I believe teams have a right to know
where their money is being spent.

Before you read the bottom line (tourney lost a bit of
money), please understand that this year's TUT was also
my 40th birthday party. I chose to include a number of
amenities (especially the party) that I was aware would
not be covered by the low fees that I charged. I was
very happy to spend my birthday doing something I love:
organising an Ultimate tourney and partying with my
Ultimate friends. Thanks.

John Harris

Team Fees (17 teams) 1700
Total 1700

Field Rental 675
Tent Rental 400
Truck Rental 207.06
Gas 32.25
Tables/Chairs Rental 57.50
Fruit 220
Bagels 235.25
Water/Ice 30
Photocopies 41.81
Medical/Physio 400
Total 2298.87

Net profit/loss loss (598.87)

Disc Sales (48 @ $12) 576
Shirt Sales (10 @ $15) 150
Total 726

Inventory (valued at cost):
Discs (52) 500
Shirts (40) 460
Total 960

Discs (100) 965
Shirts (50) 575
Total 1540

Net profit/loss profit 146

BBQ & Party (128 @ $7) 896
Party Only (20 @ $5) 100
Total 996

Venue Rental 1750
BBQ (200 @ $5) 1000
Cake & Chips 152.61
Music System Rental 105
Total 3007.61

Net profit/loss loss (2011.61)

Ultimate Happenings is a e-mail newsletter for the
Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association.

It is issued every so often when there is enough

If you want to subscribe send an e-mail to
mharley@achilles.net with the subject
"Subscribe Ultimate Happenings".

Ultimate doesn't build character.
It reveals it.

Last updated

Maintained by the OCUA Web Team