Ultimate Happenings - Issue 90
Apr. 21, 1999


**************** Over 1300 players served ******************

Ultimate Happenings: Issue 90 - April 21 1999

OCUA Web site: http://www.ocua.ca

"Accept that some days you're the pigeon,
and some days you're the statue"

**************** Over 1300 players served ******************

Editors Note:

Many articles have been submitted for Ultimate Happenings. I
do not have time to put a complete post out right now. I will
put a complete post out tomorrow with luck. For now please
read the following VERY IMPORTANT announcements.


Do not play at the St. Paul's' fields at any time until we
officially give the word that it is O.K. to play there. They
are EXTREMELY unhappy with us.

They are not happy that some people have been:
- playing when the grass is too wet
- leaving beer bottles on the grass
- swearing
- parking in the wrong spots
- not listening when a St. Paul's person asks them to
   stop playing

I am not sure what is going to happen with these fields
as we have a new situation from Tuesday night to deal with.
Please help by not adding to the problem.


Use common sense when playing on any fields that may be too
wet. You will just be ripping up the turf and during the
middle of the summer it will be dangerous. Move your game to
another dryer location. I know we all want to play but the
field situation is critical and we cannot afford to lose
any more fields.


Date:     Saturday, May 1st (11 am - 4 pm)
          (Not 10 am - 4 pm as stated in the captains meeting!)
Location: James Street Feed Company, 390 Bank Street

Each Team Must Bring:
- $750 team fee + $25 roster deposit
- $5 cone deposit (if a team wants cones)

We Will Have:
- Initial schedules for each division
- Team Roster Forms
- Copies of TOUR for your team
- Cones
- Discs and Bumper Stickers for sale

- Cheque only, no cash
- Make the cheque out to the "Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate
- If roster is submitted by May 22 the roster deposit will
  be refunded
- We will charge $25 for any returned cheques
- Teams which do not pay by May 1st will risk losing their
  spot and will be charged a $50 late fee.
- We will buy unused cones for $5 (for a set of 8)
- Please keep your team name consistent throughout registration

Ultimate Happenings is an e-mail newsletter for the
Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association.

If you want to subscribe send an e-mail to mharley@sympatico.ca
with the subject "Subscribe Ultimate Happenings".

Last updated

Maintained by the OCUA Web Team