Player resources

The Player Development Committee is proud to offer this section of the OCUA website as a tool for captains and players in search of coaching advise. Please let us know of any other links that should appear on this page:

RISE UP Channel:

RISE UP Series, free episodes:

Ultimate Rob Website:

Ultimate Rob Youtube Channel:

Specific great videos for intermediate players:

The Huddle Website:

Although now inactive, great articles on various aspects of strategy:

Brodie Smith Youtube Channel:

A couple favourite “Bro Tips” and instructional videos:

Everything Ultimate Chanel hosted by Brodie Smith

Ultiworld Website & Youtube Channel - Some excellent footage of high-quality ultimate (college & club series):

Skyd Magazine Website- Articles on high-level ultimate, strategy, etc.: 

Ultimate Canada Magazine - Strategy and nutritional tips, player profiles, and updates from Ultimate Canada The last two pages always contain additional resources that might interest any level of ultimate frisbee players:

UltiCoach and their UltiCards:

The Ultimate Handbook - Mostly for captains looking for new strategy to implement with their team:

Playspedia - Ultimate Playbook

Ultimate Skills and Drills - Variety of drills to use with your team:

Ultimate Skills VideoPaper:

The Beginner's Ultimate Strategy Guide:

UltiVillage (Highlights):

NexGen Network

Melissa's Ultimate Fitness - training for the sport of ultimate

25 Ultimate Tips - 25 tips to improve your ultimate performance - Newsletter

CLT Ultimate - Up and coming instructional video series:

Other leagues, PSO, NSO's websites: