Rules Week 2013


Rules Week takes on a new and improved format this year. Volunteer rules experts will be present at three of OCUA's main league sites for a pre-game rules clinic. Clinics will last between 15-20 minutes, and are open to all OCUA players. The rules experts will review the top misunderstood rules, and will remain on site during the games to help answer any of your questions. Clinics will start at 6:15 at LL and BF, and 6:30 at UPI. Clinic(s) will be held at the following fields: UPI10, BFP3, LL7.

  • When: every league night between Sunday June 16th to Friday June 21st. Clinics will start at 6:15 at Lynda Lane, and 6:30 at Ben Franklin and UPI. Games will be postponed by 15 minutes at all locations (no worries, these are the longest days of the year, so you will have plenty of time to play your game after the clinics!).
  • Where:
    • Sunday and Friday: lynda Lane - LL7
    • Monday to Thursday: Lynda Lane - LL7, UPI - UPI10, and Ben Franklin - BFP3
  • Who: everyone is invited to arrive at the field 30 minutes earlier than usual to participate in the clinic. If your team absolutely doesn't want to miss this, ask your coordinator to schedule your game at one of the locations listed above for your league night. Teams whose Rules Keepers missed the pre-season clinics will be asked to participate.
  • Why: rules are an essential part of our game. Being open to learning them is critical and will affect your Spirit of the Game. The Rules Committee is proud to offer these opportunities to increase your rules knowledge.

Tell your teammates and make sure you take advantage of this learning opportunity! Have a suggestion for a rule we should cover? The Rules Committee invites your suggestions. Contuct us at