Sharing Through Scoring

Sharing Thru Scoring Returns in 2013

OCUA is once again giving back to the community by organizing the Sharing Thru Scoring (STS) program for the 2013 summer league. The concept behind STS is simple - teams voluntarily agree to donate $1 for every 1 point they score in the regular summer league. That money is then collected and donated to a deserving local charity. Teams who agree to participate are able to nominate a deserving charity, and new for 2013, all OCUA summer teams will have the chance to vote for the recipient charity.

Just think, for every huck, every layout, every breathtaking catch where you score, you are helping build a stronger Ottawa. Nothing could be simpler!

Signing up is easy: simply fill in the registration form! That's it!

Contact the STS Organizer, Jeff Morrison, at or at if you have any further questions or comments. Also check out the STS video for more information. Looking forward to seeing you on the field this summer, and to giving back to our community!