Rules Education Program

As Ultimate is a self-officiated sport, each and every player is responsible for knowing the rules, and OCUA is committed to providing the resources its members need to do so. The Rules Committee (RC), formed of volunteers and 1 OCUA staff, has the mission to create and implement innovative projects to help OCUA players learn, understand, and apply the Rules of Ultimate. Some projects are free for members, other requires a small registration cost, but all of them are available to all members, regardless of their level of rules knowledge.

"Ultimate relies upon a spirit of sportmanship that places the responsability for fair play on the player. Highly competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of mutual respect among competitors, adherence to the agreed upon rules, or the basic joy of play."

USA Ultimate, Official Rules of Ultimate, 11th edition

If you have comments on any of these projects, or if you wish to suggest a new project to the Rules Committee, please contact us at To learn more about the Rules Committee, consult this page.

Rules Committee projects: