Parity League Poker Club

I have set up a Parity League Poker Club at Pokerstars. It will run a play money Hold em tournament on Monday nights for all who wish to play. To join the club, you need to sign up with Poker Stars (which is free), go to Home Games, select Join a Poker Club, search for 3242577, then use the invitation code hammertime. Once in the club you can join any tournament that I post. To buy into a tournament, you will need 20000 play chips. The site gives you a renewable supply of 15000 play chips that you can parlay into more in the play money games. But there is a time restriction on how often you can reload your free chips, so you may want to purchase playchips (3$ for 500 000). I will post this on the ocua forum and see if we can get a Monday evening tournament up and going (at a minimum). This is just play money, so feel free to include anyone. Slack me, email me, or call if you have questions.