Kanata North maybe?

Anyone interested in trying to put together a weekly disc-toss, box game, or pickup at lunch time in or near the hi-tech park? Must be a ton of Ultimate players up here. Or failing that, maybe a round of disc golf every 2nd week?


Roy, I'd be in for some regular tossing/pick-up games, although I can't promise weekly attendance. I work on Steacie Dr. so I could make it to the hi-tech area pretty quickly. There's also lots of green space along Steacie, if necessary...

I'm in too.

We (Entrust Inc. just off March at Solandt) have a bunch of work people that play on Mondays at lunch, we could use more people. We usually get 10-12, but an extra 5 people would round things nicely.

Anyone that is near enough to come and wants to should email me directly.

Failing that, I am in if it is not Monday lunch.

Kinda rainy today, but is this still going on?

I'd totally be up for some lunch-time ulty.

I just noticed this thread - I'd be interested next week, too.

March & Solandt as well - I'm in.

Seems like several people are interested in something in Kanata.

I have had some inquiries about Entrust, and while we welcome anyone, most of our regulars do not play league Ultimate, so that should be taken into account if you want to come out.

That said, if there is enough interest besides, we could start some pick-up on any day other than Monday.

All interested parties should email me directly and if there is enough interest, I don't mind organizing something.

Let me know what day, other than Monday, works best for you.

I have 10 people tentatively interested, we could use a few more to account for weeks people can't make it due to boring meetings and stuff.

If we can get 4 more, we will start playing next week, it's looking like Thursday right now.

Exact location TBD, but suggestions are solicited. Somewhere off of March, near Solandt/Terry Fox seems ideal.

Email me directly if you are interested.

We are going to try getting together this week and see what happens, there seems to be a lot of interest.

Details are:

Where: [url=http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=45.353683,-75.916171&ie=... Fox and Helmsdale (click for map)[/url]
When: Thursday June 5, 12PM till 1PM or when too many people are puking, whichever comes first.
Who: Any and all hi-tech geeks. Bring friends!

Parking: No clue, wing it. I will have more information Thursday at 1:01 PM

Is this going to happen again this summer?

[quote=Liz St. Jean (Liz St. Jean)]

Is this going to happen again this summer?[/quote]

I would be happy to co-ordinate this again.

I guess we can start writing down names and such.

Anyone working in/near Kanata north who is interested in lunch pick-up games throughout the summer should email me at my leaguerunner email address.

We tried Thursdays last year, with mixed results. Please indicate your day preferences when you contact me. Indicate what days you can and cannot play, and for the days you can play, your priority preference, if any.

And, in the spirit of fun:

Confederation park pick-up sucks! Cool people play in Kanata north!

Just another call out to any Kanata (north) people looking to play at lunch.

We are looking at getting together Wednesdays, we could use more people for a scrimmage, otherwise throwing and catching will be the order of the day.

E-mail me directly for info/to be added to 'the list.'

We should be good to go this week (Wednesday) for some disc tossing/scrimmaging, anyone interested in getting on 'the list' should email me directly.


Location is Terry Fox and Helmsdale.

Google map: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=45.353683,-75.916171&ie=...

Time is 12-1 PM.

We should be good to go this week (Wednesday) for some disc tossing/scrimmaging, anyone interested in getting on 'the list' should email me directly. Or just come out this week.


Location is Terry Fox and Helmsdale.

Google map: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=45.353683,-75.916171&ie=...

Time is 12-1 PM.

As I understand 12-1 lunchtime in Kanata.

[quote=Mark Fiala (markfiala)]As I understand 12-1 lunchtime in Kanata.[/quote]

We try every week, but attrition has reduced our numbers significantly from last year.

We have been out a few times for tossing. If you want to be notified via the email list, let me know directly through email (in my leaguerunner account).

We always hope for enough players for a scrimmage.

I usually post on here when we do have enough players, but it is not 100%.

So anyone out in Kanata looking for a lunchtime game, let me know and I will add you to the list.

It has been suggested that there may once again be enough OCUA players in Kanata to do some pick up in Kanata North.

If you are interested in playing some pick up once a week around lunchtime, likely Wed, since it coincides with Whopper Wednesday, please email me directly (email address in profile) and if there is enough interest I will organize something.

Long live K.N.U.L.P.