Parity - Week 2 Highlights

Weekly Callahan: Adam MacDonald keeps the streak of Parity Callahans alive!


TopTHAT* (formerly the PewPewPew award): a three-way tie, Jessie Robinson, Al Colantonio and... Keates.


BISANG*: nobody, really. Seriously, Bisang didn't drop a thing, and the most drops anyone had this week was 2. Less stickum', people.


Best Sky: Jessie Robinson... on Keates.


Best Spike: I hear Adam MacDonald did a thing. Can someone please tell me of the thing that he did?


0-60 in 2 games: The following players improved their salary increase from week 1 by approximately an order of magnitude (or more):


Karen Kavenaugh

Marc Vachon

Olessia Bissett

Sandra Hanson


Given the datapoints we have, and plotting a trend line for the rate of salary growth, Marc Vachon projects to $1,600,000 for week 3. Tune in to see if he gets there.


Ageless Wonder: Jamie Wildgen had the second highest salary increase for the week, and is almost exactly twice the age of the only player to beat him.


Efficiency: Brent Burton, the last overall draft pick**, was on for 7 goals for and 1 against on offensive points, and 9 goals for and 1 against on defensive points.


I think the app has a bug and I will have to confirm that this is correct.



* If the joke makes no sense to you, refer to Parity Week 1 Highlights thread.


** This is a lie

Kudos to Adam MacDonald for his second stellar week in a row AND having the disc thrown to him in the endzone for a callahan.

Steve Bisang had ZERO drops this week!

Al had single digit throwaways!


Al had single digit throwaways in week 1 - in fact it was one single throwaway.  By contrast in week 2 he septupled his week 1 result!!!

Meanwhile speaking as someone who truly hogged the disc in week 1 I think the measure of disc hogging should be pick-ups only.  Catches result from getting open, i.e. an arguably merit-based measure unless they're a series of 5 yard sideways swings that never go anywhere.  Pickups on the other hand come from a deep (possibly flawed) inner belief in oneself as being born to the aristocracy and higher calling of handling.  I'm trying to get better, the first step is to admit you have a problem.

Adam's version of a callahan is also my preferred route, and I look forward to ambling into the endzone on defence only to magically find a disc in my hand at some point this season.

Apparently I've decided to go with the "If you can't tie knots, tie lots" school of frisbee. I lead the league in throw aways (16 in two weeks), but I'm third in salary.

i was open

This forum needs a *like* button.

That is all.

Amos had a balanced game with 6ds, 4 assists

Nina R 6 goals and i think she crushed me but i forget

Sina 6 assits and had a good view of my callahan

Oh! Jessie Robinson with the coveted "Disc Hog of the Week" award (catches + pickups)!

was the lack of Adam's Mansonesque beard.  Without the beard slowing him down he was able to sneak in for that Callie... but unfortunately not able to slow down enough to avoid toppling Ashin on another point.

Actually I think Adam bowled into Khalid and gave him the business. Ashlin took up the torch to return the favour later to the sideline's affirming cheers.

One day Khalid will have a third dimension, and little hobbits like Adam will bounce right off.


Im not a hobbit i dont have a wizard friend , hairy feet, or most importantly i dont eat 11sies

Are you sure you don't have a wizard friend?



This is my new OCUA profile photo. The time¹, care², and skill³ that went into making this is really endearing⁴. 


¹Clearly not very much.

²Maybe even less.

³The least of the bunch.

⁴But it's the thought that counts.

⁵This is a bonus footnote.⁶

⁶Now I just really like footnotes.

Footnotes (none of which I contest)... further proof that you're a wizard.

I dont remeber who wrecked me but it was well deserved