Latest News

  • It's back-to-back titles for the Nepean High School Knights when they captured gold medal at the 2023 High School Cup on June 2 at Ben Franklin Park. Fifteen teams from eleven schools from across the city competed for the High School crown. On the Middle School side, ESC Garneau Gaulois A took home the gold amongst the 15 competing teams. Special shoutout goes to Summerside P.S. who entered FIVE teams - a turnout like no other!! 
  • As you may have seen, there is an air quality warning in place for Ottawa.  For the safety of members, OCUA will be implementing the Ultimate Canada Air Quality Policy for all leagues and programs.
  • On June  10th,  Canadian Ultimate players from the East to West Coast are participating in the Great Canadian Ultimate Game. The Art Hawkins Great Canadian Ultimate Game will pit white against red to raise awareness and money for the Art Hawkins Fund program. The white team and the red team will huck, flick, and layout to help their team become the champion, and raise the most money for the Art Hawkins Fund.  
  • At the 2023 Annual General Meeting, members of OCUA elected 4 directors to the Board of Directors. Congratulations to:  Andrea Bombala Emma Wilson-Pease Karlis Bouse Tina Tremblay
  • Hey OCUA members!  The kick-off to the Summer 2023 season is right around the corner, so here are a few updates, reminders, & tidbits:   
  • The 2023 Summer Adult Leagues lineup is set and we cannot wait to welcome OCUA members back to the Ultimate fields -- check out the league list below. Summer 2023 is set to kick off the week of May 15, and wrap up the week of August 21 with Summer League Playoffs (for team entry leagues) set for August 26 & 27. 


Drop-in Ultimate & Drills

  • Who can participate? Female-matching players aged 16 and up!
  • Hosted by: Oz, a competitive women’s Ultimate team!
  • When: Monday evenings 9-11pm (runs until March 4th)
  • Fees: $30 drop-in fees/night
  • Where: Algonquin College Dome
  • Organizers: Oz Competitive Team invited you to these indoor winter sessions
  • Information: Come and learn new skills, meet new people and have fun! Coach Ken Alexander will work with you individually to help you improve on current skills and develop new ones.

Questions? Reach out to Reegan Belanger - Captain of Oz at the following email:


Ottawa to host Ontario 4v4 Provincial Championships!

We're excited to announce Ottawa is hosting the Ontario 4v4 Provincial Championships March 9-10, 2024 at Ben Franklin Dome!

Mark your calendars! Get your teammates together and REGISTER TODAY!!

2023-24 Winter Youth & Junior Programs

We are excited to be bringing (5) Youth & Junior Ultimate recreation programs to Domes this winter! All Youth & Junior recreation programs will operate in centrally-located facilities and will run between 10-12 weeks long, starting in either November or December. For those looking for more advanced/competitive-based options, the OCUA Development program will begin in January with details to come in December, so stay tuned!

For more information click the name of the progam, in the table below, to be taken to the program information page. 
Once you register, your spot will be held temporarily for 48 hours to give you enough time to complete payment which will be marked as 'paid' in your registration history.
If you have other questions, contact OCUA staff at

Registration opens: October 20th at 10pm EST

Registration Notice:
Accounts must be created prior to registration.  Parents/Guardians can create their own account as a "Parent/Guardian" and then are prompted to create their child/children's player profile. Once created, the new Parents/Guardians account is logged in, and Parents/Guardians may continue with the registration.

New to OCUA? Use our step-by-step guide toget your youth/junior player registered: Youth and Junior Registration Guide

▼ Click on the program for more details & registration ▼









REFUND POLICY: read OCUA's refund policy here.


2023-24 Winter Adult Leagues

We are pleased to continue to offer 6 NIGHTS of Adult Ultimate during the winter months. Winter Ultimate is a very popular season amongst our OCUA members and we look forward to another exciting and memorable winter season. 

There are limited spots, so please register early to ensure you get the league and night of your choice.  Once you register, your spot will be held temporarily for 48 hours to give you enough time to complete payment which will be marked as 'paid' in your registration history, indicating you are fully registered for that league.  We will be managing an active waitlist for all leagues, so even if the league you are interested in is full, complete the registration to be placed on the waitlist.  If you have other questions, please email usl

We know that OCUA members have been (patiently) waiting for the announcement of Winter leagues – this year we have faced a number of factors that have caused a delay in our winter planning – so we thank you for your understanding.

  • A long-running winter league location, Algonquin College, has reallocated their weekly evening times to their internal programs and sports teams. Due to this reallocation, OCUA has lost over 350 hours of weeknight dome time. While every effort was made to secure dome time at alternative locations, we were not able to book enough time to make up for all the lost time.
  • Over 40 hours of dome time at Ben Franklin was loss to facility stakeholder groups - the loss of those hours combined with loss of Algonquin College dome hours some leagues have been reallocated, moved or determined to not be running for the 2023-24 season.
  • Additionally, we have not received our field contract from Carleton University yet. We are hopeful that we will receive our historical allocation; however, leagues and programs scheduled for that location are not yet 100% confirmed. We are sharing the details of the leagues planned for this location, as we have every intent to run these leagues.

Due to the above, there are a number of changes to the OCUA Winter League lineup; please read below to know what to expect!

For full information on each league, select Winter league you are interested in from the table below - click the name of the league to be taken to the League information page.

Don't forget, indoor (Winter) Ultimate is played by a different set of rules! Brush up on the Winter Ultimate rule variations here

Registration opens: October 20th at 10pm EST
Leagues begin: week of November 13th

5v5 SOTF League  

5v5 SOTF League

5v5 SOTF
SuperLadder League



Grand Masters League

Women's League

  Late Night League Parity League

REFUND POLICY: read OCUA's refund policy here.