Latest News

  • Last week, after a 2 year hiatus, OCUA hosted 27 schools from across the city for the Spring 2022 Middle School Cup and 2022 High School Cup.  The 2022 Middle School Cup saw eight teams compete on an overcast and windy but wildly successful day. The final results of the 2022 Middle School Cup are: Mer Bleue Les Loups - 2022 Middle School Champions
  • OCUA wants to help anyone who wants to play Ultimate this summer find a spot to play. Maybe you're new to the city or new to the sport, or you're already playing in one league but would love to make it two - either way we want to help find you a place to play!  Fill out the form below and OCUA will do our best to match you up with a team!
  • On Tuesday, April 26, 2022 quorum was not met in order to convene the 2022 OCUA AGM. In accordance with OCUA By-Laws and the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA), if quorum is not met at an Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors shall schedule and announce to members a replacement meeting to take place between 14 and 21 days from the date of the Annual General Meeting it replaces.
  • We are seeking members interested in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) at OCUA.   Applications to join the EDI Committee for a two year term will be due Friday May 6, at 5:00 pm. Please send your application to   Candidates should address the following in their application:
  • We've updated our health guidelines and protocols for OCUA Summer 2022 leagues and programs.For complete information please visit OCUA's Covid Resource Hub. OCUA Return to Play Protocols
  • OCUA is thrilled to announce the SUMMER ULTIMATE LEAGUES & PROGRAMS lineup for the 2022 Summer season!  Below are the 'top-level' details of each league and program being offered. We've got something for everyone.....from team-entry leagues, social leagues, to women's league and youth & junior programs. 


OCUA's Air Quality Measures

As you may have seen, there is an air quality warning in place for Ottawa.  For the safety of members, OCUA will be implementing the Ultimate Canada Air Quality Policy for all leagues and programs.

You can find the policy here if you would like to read it in full: Ultimate Canada (

According to the policy we are to use the maximum potential predictions when making decisions for how leagues will proceed.  Each day, OCUA will monitor the Government of Canada's Air Quality index and will make the 'Game Call' by 3pm - the game call will be based on a number of factors including the predicted range of the air quality index, any additional weather alerts (ex. smog advisory) and if there has been prolonged periods of time where air quality index has sat at 10+.  You can see the predictions through the link below.  

Ottawa, Ontario - Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) - Environment Canada ( 

During periods of 7 or greater, Leagues, practices and programs will be cancelled.

For Adult Leagues, while in the 4-6 range, games will proceed as planned with the following adjustments:

  • OCUA’s Humidex Advisory modification measures are in place.
    • Each team will be allowed three time-outs per half instead of two. Each time-out can be two minutes in length instead of the usual 70 seconds; and
    • Heat-related/breathing-health-related substitutions will be permitted.
  • Identify an Air Quality monitor for your team. Each team is asked to have at least one person monitor the air quality index periodically during the game. Should the index reach 7, the Air Quality monitor should advise the captain(s) and the game should end immediately.
  • Take needed rest periods. Monitor yourself for signs of laboured breathing or discomfort.

OCUA will be watching the air quality each hour as the night goes on.  Should the conditions change, and our air quality index rises to 7 or above, games will be cancelled immediately.

For OCUA Youth & Junior programs, coaches will be modifying the sessions to reduce practice intensity and including more frequent rest periods. If the index rises to 7 or above, coaches will be notified by OCUA staff and will cancel the session immediately. 

Stay safe OCUA, and please remember Ultimate is a game – listen to your body, if you feel unwell or unsafe it is OK to take a break/miss the game/end the game early. 

The Art Hawkins Great Canadian Ultimate Game Stops In Ottawa

On June  10th,  Canadian Ultimate players from the East to West Coast are participating in the Great Canadian Ultimate Game. The Art Hawkins Great Canadian Ultimate Game will pit white against red to raise awareness and money for the Art Hawkins Fund program. The white team and the red team will huck, flick, and layout to help their team become the champion, and raise the most money for the Art Hawkins Fund.
The Art Hawkins Development Fund's purpose is to support the accessibility and development of Ultimate and Spirit of the Game in Canada with children, youth, and those with a disability, especially in economically disadvantaged communities. Learn more about the late Art Hawkins, the namesake, and his contribution to Ultimate in Canada.
This year, our game will take place at 4pm-6pm at UPI.  All are welcome to come support, donate, and throw a disc in honour of Art Hawkins.
Donations for the game are being accepted through this Ultimate Canada donation form and directly through local Ultimate communities - cash donations will be accepted on-site June 10.
For more information on OCUA's event & to register to participate, click here.
The Art Hawkins Great Canadian Ultimate Game is organized by Ultimate Canada, the governing body for the sport of Ultimate in Canada. The organization promotes the growth and development of Ultimate throughout Canada. Visit our website at 
For national media inquiries, please email

OCUA Announces Newly Elected Directors

At the 2023 Annual General Meeting, members of OCUA elected 4 directors to the Board of Directors.
Congratulations to: 
  • Andrea Bombala
  • Emma Wilson-Pease
  • Karlis Bouse
  • Tina Tremblay
Andrea, Emma, Karlis & Tina will serve a 2-year term (2023-2025) and join Kelly Fulton, Maaike van Leeuwen & Robbie Thuot (2022-2024) to complete the 7-person Board. 
To find out more about OCUA's Board of Directors, visit

Summer Leagues 2023

Hey OCUA members! 
The kick-off to the Summer 2023 season is right around the corner, so here are a few updates, reminders, & tidbits: 
  1. We are waiting on the City for confirmation that city fields will open on time (May 15). Without official word from the city we delayed planning a bit, however we are hopeful that word will come in soon. As such, we are moving ahead with things as though they will. 
  2. If city fields DO NOT open (which we have no control over) we will notify all Captains right away and ask that you share with your teammates. If there is a delay we will share what the next steps are at that time. 
  3. Each day, OCUA post the official “game call” by 3pm - posted on the top right corner of 
  4. Schedules are being worked on by league coordinators. For at least the first 4 weeks, games start at 6:45. When/if game start times are changed league coordinators will notify team captains. 
  5. Don’t forget to submit your game reports & spirit scores!  
    And last but certainly not least,
  6. Have an AMAZING summer filled with Ultimate fun!