Latest News

  • OCUA is happy to confirm the leagues and programs being offered for the second half of the indoor season. With the recent lockdown and the adjustments made to Winter Session 1 leagues as a result of that lockdown, the second half is a bit shorter than our members would typically see, but we’re excited to introduce…..SPRING INDOOR!   
  • We are happy to announce that all of our facilities have now confirmed their reopening date, in alignment with the easing of restrictions from the Ontario Government, and that all restrictions to the reopening (ex: 50% capacity) allow for OCUA leagues to resume to full play starting the week of January 31.  
  • Dear OCUA Members, As with the past 20 months, navigating the pandemic has required adjustment, adaptation and understanding. The OCUA leadership has been continually monitoring the evolving COVID19 situation, watching the Government of Ontario updates, reading bulletins and reviewing notices from Ottawa’s Medical Officer of Health, and along with the surging case counts and infection rates.
  • Following the most recent Public Health guidelines and in alignment with facility regulations, OCUA Session 1 programming is set to resume January 3, 2022 (with the exception of leagues playing at Carleton University or U of Ottawa - check inbox for update on those leagues/programs). 
  • With the emergence of the new variant and with Public Health regulations and restrictions changing frequently, OCUA is taking the time to review how leagues and programs will proceed in the New Year and will update our membership in the coming weeks.
  • Recently, OCUA sat down (physically distanced, of course) with Women's League coordinator & Wonderwoman, Jessie Robinson, to talk about the increasingly popular program, its successes and just what makes it so special.  To read the first in our series of Program Spotlights, click here.   


Join OCUA's Board of Directors

The Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association (OCUA) Board of Directors is seeking qualified volunteers to fill four vacancies for a term of two years of service. Directorships will begin the day after the Annual General Meeting Thursday April 27, 2023.
The Board of Directors provides strategic leadership, governance, establishes policy, oversees the operations and financial performance of OCUA. Serving on the Board of Directors will provide you with an opportunity to meaningfully contribute to OCUA and its mission. If you are interested in standing for the OCUA Board of Directions visit

Director Vacancy - Call for Expression of Interest

(la version en français suit ci-dessous)
The Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association (OCUA) Board of Directors is seeking a qualified volunteer to fill a director vacancy until the end of the current term (the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April 2023). The ideal candidate will have expertise/experience in one or more of the following: legal, governance, zoning, real estate/property management. Additional areas for consideration include: communications, risk management, strategic planning, human resources management. 
The Board of Directors welcomes those who would contribute to the further diversification of the Board, and encourages candidates to voluntarily indicate if they are a member of an equity deserving group (for example, a woman, a member of the LGBTQ2+ communities, an Indigenous person, a member of a visible minority group, or a person with a disability).
Please do not hesitate to contact any of the current directors if you have questions or wish to discuss.
If interested, please submit your expression of interest, including relevant experience, education, and background to by 6:00 pm on Friday, February 3rd, 2023. Candidates are invited to submit their expression of interest in the official language of their choice.

Poste vacant d'administrateur /administratrice - Appel à manifestation d'intérêt
Le conseil d'administration de l'Association Ultimate Ottawa-Carleton (OCUA) est à la recherche d'une bénévole qualifiée / un bénévole qualifié pour combler un poste d'administrateur /administratrice vacant jusqu'à la fin du mandat actuel (la date de l'Assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) en avril 2023). La candidate idéale /Le candidat idéal aura une expertise/expérience dans un ou plusieurs des domaines suivants : juridique, gouvernance, zonage, immobilier/gestion des biens. Les autres domaines à considérer sont les suivants : communications, gestion des risques, planification stratégique, gestion des ressources humaines. 
Le conseil d'administration accueille les personnes qui contribueraient à sa diversification et encourage les candidates/candidats à indiquer volontairement s'ils/elles sont membres d'un groupe méritant l'équité (par exemple, une femme, une/un membre des communautés LGBTQ2+, un/une personne autochtone, une/un membre d'une minorité visible, une personne handicapée/un personne handicapé).
N'hésitez pas à contacter n’importe lequel des administrateurs actuels/ administratrices actuelles si vous avez des questions ou si vous souhaitez discuter.
Si vous êtes intéressée/intéressé, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir soumettre votre déclaration d'intérêt, y compris votre expérience, votre formation et vos antécédents pertinents, à l'adresse avant 18h le vendredi 3 février 2023. Les candidates/candidats sont invités/invitées à soumettre leur déclaration d'intérêt dans la langue officielle de leur choix.

Adult Leagues for Spring Indoor Announced

The warmer weather today has us thinking ahead to Spring......Spring Indoor Ultimate, to be exact. With the snow still on the ground and a few weeks left in the Winter Indoor season, OCUA is thrilled to announce the leagues being offered this Spring. 

With leagues being offered seven days a week, this Spring Indoor season (formerly known as Winter Indoor session 2) will be jammed-packed with Ultimate fun. 

Check out for league details. 

Registration for ALL Spring Indoor leagues opens Sunday January 15th at 10pm. 

Winter Adult Leagues 2022-23

Welcome to Winter Ultimate!

We are pleased to continue to offer 6 NIGHTS of Adult Ultimate during the winter months. Winter Ultimate is a very popular season amongst our OCUA members and we look forward to another exciting and memorable winter season.  There are limited spots, so please register early to ensure you get the league and night of your choice.  Once you register, your spot will be held temporarily for 48 hours to give you enough time to complete payment which will be marked as 'paid' in your registration history, indicating you are fully registered for that league.  We will be managing an active waitlist for all leagues, so even if the league you are interested in is full, complete the registration to be placed on the waitlist.  If you have other questions, please email usl

Select the night and type of Winter league you are interested in to see further details.

Don't forget, indoor (Winter) Ultimate is played by a different set of rules! Brush up on the Winter Ultimate rule variations here

Registration opens: October 19th at 10pm EST
Registration for WEDNESDAY LEAGUES opens: October 21st at 10pm EST

Leagues begin: week of November 14th

6v6 Mixed League  

5v5 SOTF League

5v5 SOTF
Super Ladder League


5v5 SOTF Mixed League

Grand Masters (GM) League

6v6 Sort of Hat League

Women's League

  Late Night League Parity League

REFUND POLICY: read OCUA's refund policy here.