2022 High School & Middle School Champs Crowned

Last week, after a 2 year hiatus, OCUA hosted 27 schools from across the city for the Spring 2022 Middle School Cup and 2022 High School Cup. 

The 2022 Middle School Cup saw eight teams compete on an overcast and windy but wildly successful day. The final results of the 2022 Middle School Cup are:

Mer Bleue Les Loups - 2022 Middle School Champions

Fisher Park 8 - 2nd place

Garneau Gaulois - 3rd place

Franco-Ouest Vikings B - 4th place

Franco-Ouest Vikings A - 5th place

Béatrice Desloges Bulldogs - 6th place

Franco-Ouest Vikings C - 7th place

Fisher Park 7 - 8th place

Spirit Winners: Fisher Park 7

On a rainy Friday, 19 teams made their way to Ben Franklin Park looking to claim the Champion's title at the Spring 2022 High School Cup. While the conditions were less than ideal, that did not stop the action on the field from heating up! 

Westboro Juniors X - 2022 High School Cup Champions

Westboro Juniors Y - 2nd place

All Saints Avalanche - 3rd place

Notre Dame Eagles - 4th place

Garneau Gaulois A - 5th place

Béatrice-Desloges Bulldogs - 6th place

Intermediate Division

Pierre-Savard Les Épaulards - 1st place

Holy Trinity Tornadoes - 2nd place

Garneau Gaulois I - 3rd place

Paul-Desmarais Patriotes - 4th place

St. Francis Xavier Coyotes - 5th place

Franco-Ouest Vikings - 6th place

Beginner Division

Carrefor - 1st place

Hillcrest - 2nd place

Mer Bleue - 3rd place

Garneau B - 4th place

St. Peter's - 5th place

Westboro Z - 6th place

Ashbury - 7th place

Spirit Winners - Ashbury

Congratulations to all teams - were were SO happy to have you back on the Ultimate fields. We look forward to seeing you in the fall for the 2022 Back to School Tournament. And to all the graduating students, thank you and good luck with your future endeavours - we hope you continue to play Ultimate in the summers to come!


OCUA's Find a Team

OCUA wants to help anyone who wants to play Ultimate this summer find a spot to play. Maybe you're new to the city or new to the sport, or you're already playing in one league but would love to make it two - either way we want to help find you a place to play! 

Fill out the form below and OCUA will do our best to match you up with a team!

Notice of Meeting: 2022 AGM - rescheduled date

On Tuesday, April 26, 2022 quorum was not met in order to convene the 2022 OCUA AGM. In accordance with OCUA By-Laws and the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA), if quorum is not met at an Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors shall schedule and announce to members a replacement meeting to take place between 14 and 21 days from the date of the Annual General Meeting it replaces.

OCUA's Board of Directors confirms the replacement meeting will take place on Tuesday May 10 at 6pm EST. The meeting will be held virtually. All members are invited to attend. To receive the virtual meeting login details please register at: https://www.ocua.ca/zuluru/events/view?event=1312
Once you've registered, you will receive the login details to the email connected to your OCUA profile. 

All information about the 2022 AGM (new date) is available at: www.ocua.ca/agm